Moving Forward
To be able to synthesize the reading from this week is complex and difficult to articulate through a blog post. Our previous reading and discussions in class has drawn me to the intersections of identity and the process versus the product. Leander and Frank (2006) bring theoretical background to expand my thinking of identity and literacy and put it in motion. What stood out to me, and created a deeper understanding, was when Leander and Frank (2006) focus on work “that argues that identity cannot be conceived in either macro (social and cultural) or micro (psychological) units, but must rather be thought of as always in circulation between intensely personal and powerfully social forces” (pg. 186) Learning in motion is not something new to me, however, this work of identity in motion does push me forward to articulate how I believe children learn in the classroom. Classroom environments provide me with a visual of identity and its complexities. Kuby and Vaughn’s (2...